About Me Page




Guest Book


About Me!

Sam: About me...hm...well, I'll give you a list of my favoritest things first I guess.

Favorite colors? blue, red, bright green, orange, and purple.

Favorite show? Yu-Gi-Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Favorite anime guy? Seto Kaiba! *drool*

Favorite flower? Sunflower

Favorite animal? Kitties! Kitties RULE.

Sam: Erm, that's all I can think of for favorites right now, So I'll tell you about all of my other 'selves'!

Kari: My hikari, she's a POE (personification Of Emotion), created by all of my excess happiness. She's not nearly as childish today as she was before, but she's just as sweet. I don't know about innocent though, I mean, she recently gave birth to her and Ryou's children after all!

Grage: My darkest yami, he's also a POE, created from hate, anger, and jealousy (Think yami Malik), he has a thing for me, which is weird. He has the ability to shapeshift, which is cool, and he's rather attractive. *sweatdrop* He's currently residing in the vampire realm, he seriously needed time away from me.

Samaya: She's my Ancient Egyptian self, recently released from the sword, my sennen item. I don't know much about her besides the fact that she despises my tummy flab and is confused about a lot of her present surroundings. She's pretty dangerous with a sword, too.

About This Site

This is my first site that I plan on keeping track of and not let wither away and die after 3 days. The majority of this site is going to be dedicated to Yu-Gi-Oh, my favorite anime, with fanart amd fanfiction by me, and hopefully my friends, maybe if I don't know YOU, you'll send me some of your Yu-Gi-Oh stuff! I'll also be posting info about myself and my friends, and photos of us, and my cats. This is basically a site that I think only my friends would get. *sweatdrop* But you can look around, anyway. =D

Other Stuff

Also, if you want me to link to your site, just send me your URL address and I'll get it up asap! Thanks. ^_^